Affirmation CDs

You play the Affirmation CDs at bedtime while falling asleep. These positive statements are repeated enough times to become one with the listener. They are extremely effective in creating change if used repeatedly and consistently. The Affirmations begin to replace self-defeating thought and behavior patterns with more attractive and life-enhancing alternatives. This amazing technique lets the mind absorb information while the body is at rest. It has been recognized that listening to learning material while sleeping is a highly effective way for people of all ages to access their full learning potential. Listening to positive affirmations awake, relaxed and when asleep can allow a person’s mind to begin restructuring and reprogramming by taking the words into their subconscious and/or dream state. By consistently listening to the positive affirmations the individual will have the opportunity to begin to redefine themselves, enhancing not only their self esteem but also their life.